<div id="x"> <table width="90%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="tabletxt"> <tr> <td> <p class="centre" > <a href="0-prevaids-introduction-en.htm" target="_top"><img src="../maquilprevaids/drapeau-anglais.gif" width="45" height="30" border="0"></a> - <a href="0-prevaids-introduction-th.htm" target="_top"><img src="../maquilprevaids/drapeau-thai.gif" width="45" height="30" border="0"></a> - <a href="0-prevaids-introduction-fr.htm" target="_top"><img src="../maquilprevaids/drapeau-francais.gif" width="45" height="30" border="0"></a></p> <p class="centre" ><a name="0"></a><a href="#" id="sz-" onClick=" changerTaille(-0.1); return false;" >ReduceTXT </a><img src="../maquilprevaids/x-carreblanc.gif" width="70" height="1"><a href="#" id="sz+"onclick="changerTaille(0.1); return false;"> Enlarge TXT </a> </p> <p class="rougemaigre "><img src="../aidspreventionpro/prevaids-ss-film-05-en.gif" width="72" height="139" border="1"> www.PrevAIDS.org - Side effects of condom</p> <p class="rougegras"><span lang=EN-GB>- Ripped condom.<a name=condomrippedcondom></a></span></p> <blockquote> <p align="center" class="petitpetit">(<a href="prevaids-bulle-condomtear-en.htm" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">See the photos first</a>)</p> </blockquote> <ul type=disc> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>In case of little rupture, if the contact between glans (red extremity of penis) </span>and<span lang=EN-GB> vaginal mucosa &amp; vaginal secretions or anal sphincter was not long, the danger is negligible. Just change the ripped condom and continue your intercourse.</span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>In case of big rupture, the insertive (penetrating) partner feels it directly. If he stops directly the penetration and changes the condom, the danger is negligible.</span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>If it is the skin between the glens (red extremity of the penis) and the root of the penis that was in contact with vagina or anal sphincter, no danger at all.</span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>If after a male's orgasm, you discover that the sperm is not in condom, the receptive (&quot;passive&quot;) partner is in danger. It makes sense to consider the <a href="prevaids-01-firstsecondline-details-en-x.htm#firstlinepostexposure" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">post exposure protocol</a>.</span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>If the woman wear &quot;intra-uterine contraceptive device&quot; consider the following topic... </span> </div> <p align="justify"><b><span lang=EN-GB style='color:green; '><font color="#006600">TIPS:</font></span></b></p> <div align="justify"> <ul> <li><font color="#006600"><span lang=EN-GB>To prevent a condom from breaking, you must have enough lubrication from natural secretions or use a water-based lubricant (see &quot;lubricant&quot; on same page). Dryness creates more friction and can tear a condom. </span></font></li> <li><font color="#006600"><span lang=EN-GB>You should have at least little light during intercourse. This will make you see directly if a condom rips.</span></font></li> <li><font color="#006600"><span lang=EN-GB>You (man) should be able to feel if a condom breaks during intercourse. To learn what it feels like, you can break a condom on purpose while masturbating.</span></font></li> </ul> <blockquote> <p align=center ><a href="000-prevaids-welcome-details-en.htm" target="_top">welcome page</a></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> </blockquote> </div> </li> </ul> <p class="rougegras"><a name=condomintrauterinecontaceptivedevice></a><span lang=EN-GB>- Intra-uterine contraceptive devices and ripped condom.</span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>ATTENTION!!! Women who wear an &quot;intra-uterine contraceptive device&quot; are more subject to ripped condom. This is because the thin cord from the device, which is in the bottom of vaginal cavity, can easily break the extremity of the condom. It even can slightly injure the extremity of the penis without any perception for both partners. This is extremely dangerous as micro lesions definitely increase the risk of <a href="prevaids-05-transmission-details-en-x.htm" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">HIV transmission</a>.</span></p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;It means that, in this particular context, it may be recommended to use another way for prevention of HIV transmission (female condom for instance). Woman/couple should consider consulting a doctor for advice.</p> <p align=center ><a href="000-prevaids-welcome-details-en.htm" target="_top">welcome page</a></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p class="rougegras"><a name=condomtoobig></a><span lang=EN-GB>- Too big? Too little?</span></p> <ul type=disc> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span class="vertmaigre"><span lang=EN-GB>&quot;TOO BIG CONDOM&#8221;:</span></span><span lang=EN-GB> For adolescents and some adults, it is often difficult or impossible to find condoms of the right size. Fortunately, it is always possible to have successful intercourse even with a condom that is too big. However, if the condom is too big, make sure that the condom always prevents contact between the head of the penis (glans) and the vagina or the anus (again it is important to have light!) Any method (fingers, elastics band, etc.) can be used to avoid sliding of the too big condoms.</span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span class="vertmaigre"><a name=condomtoolittle></a><span lang=EN-GB>&quot;TOO LITTLE CONDOM&#8221;</span></span>: It is difficult to imagine that a condom is too little to be used (<a href="prevaids-bulle-condomfist-en.htm" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">see photo 01</a>). Men who complain that a condom is too little to be worn are usually men who do not have an enough strong erection (age, emotion, side effects of former low abdominal surgery... see &quot;impotency&quot; on same page). When erection in not strong, it is extremely difficult to unroll the condom on the penis which is usually big but too soft. It is why you have this strange paradox : a &quot;weak erection&quot; requires&nbsp;a larger condom than a &quot;stone erection&quot; ! In case of weak erection, you should unroll the condom and, with finger in the right position <a href="prevaids-bulle-condomimpotent-en.htm" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">(see photo 0/2)</a>, enlarge the lower part of condom and fill it with the weak penis. (During procedure, be careful not to injure the latex with your finger nails, your fingers should never reach the head of the condom. Consider that after such manipulation, condom may break more easily. Check regularly with right light during intercourse! You will observe finally that the condom give a slight tourniquet effect on the outer veins of the penis, which helps to improve erection!</div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>In spite of those comments, we cannot elude the fact that a too big or too little condom is less comfortable. Good sized condom is better for the best performance... Try to find/buy well sized condom as much as possible. Often, on the box of condoms, you can read a number that indicates the size in millimetre (see photo 03). To give you an idea: 49 mm is to be considered as a medium size in &quot;Asian countries&quot;.</span></div> </li> </ul> <p align="center"><a href="000-prevaids-welcome-details-en.htm" target="_top">welcome page</a></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p><span class="rougegras"><a name=condomimpotency></a><span lang=EN-GB>- Impotency.</span></span><span class="rougegras" lang=EN-GB></span> </p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Condom can cause sporadic impotency. Many men fear this kind of &quot;accident&quot;. For some men, the subject is simply unspeakable and they prefer to refuse to wear a condom using some futile pretexts to hide their anxiety. Women should be aware of this problem especially when their male partners are using stupid arguments to avoid the condom. </span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Women should also know that such side effect of condom is totally reversible. Such impotency is only due to psychological reasons. Because many men often feel a bit anxious when starting a new relationship, the interruption of intercourse, which is needed to wear the condom, can be too much for them. Women should relax their men and use safe sexual practices (genital manipulation, oral stimulation...) to give them the assurance they need and, at the right time, women can put the condom for them. Trying to incorporate the process of placing the condom on the penis as a part of the sexual game is the ideal solution.</span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Don't forget also that condom is not the only cause of impotency. For resistant cases, women should consider other &quot;unspeakable reasons&quot; for their partners like homosexuality, age, low abdominal surgery, psychological weakness, etc. However, in some cases, a &quot;too little condom&quot; (see up) can help because of its slight tourniquet effect on the outer veins of the penis, tourniquet which can increase the erection.</span></p> <blockquote> <p align="justify"><span class="petitpetit"><b><span lang=EN-GB style='color:green; '>TIPS: </span></b></span></p> </blockquote> <div align="justify"> <ul> <ul> <li><span class="petitpetit" style='color:green;' lang=EN-GB>Male should know that the strongest way to get out of this impotency episode is to have the humility to speak about it with his partner... If such conversation is possible, a lot of stress goes away and erection will soon come back. Condom will not be a problem anymore. Usually, ladies will even prefer such partner with whom it is possible to speak during intercourse. Ladies will understand that you are a sensitive person.</span></li> </ul> </ul> </div> <p align="left"><a href="../aidspreventionpro/poster-25-impotence-en.htm" target="_blank" class="centre">See poster about impotence and HIV</a> </p> <p align=center ><a href="000-prevaids-welcome-details-en.htm" target="_top">welcome page</a></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <ul> </ul> <p><span class="rougegras"><a name=condomlessfeeling></a><span lang=EN-GB>- Less feeling.</span></span> </p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>It is quite evident that c</span><span lang=EN-GB>ondoms can decrease the feeling or sensitivity of the penis. If it is really a problem, consider to buy very thin condom. Do not hesitate to try different labels... Some condoms are more dedicated to protect from pregnancy, some are more dealing with allergic problems that can appear with pre-lubricated condoms, some are specifically dedicated for anal penetration, some are including flavours for totally safe oral protection, some have extra lubricant... and <b>some are coated with gel which increases the sensitivity of the extremity of the penis</b>. Make your choice!</span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>If decreased sensitivity is still not acceptable even with your favourite condom, there is no miraculous solution. You should reconsider safe pleasure possibilities without condom, but you should first perfectly be aware about the &quot;<a href="prevaids-02-ss-details-en-x.htm" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">safe sex</a>&quot; rules. Total sexual freedom in our era is only the privilege of stupid and uninstructed persons...</span></p> <blockquote class="petitpetit"> <p align="justify"><b><span lang=EN-GB style='color:green; '><font color="#009900">TIP: </font></span></b></p> <div align="justify"> <ul> <li><font color="#009900">Lubricate the outside of the condom&#8230; but you can add one drop inside which helps sometimes to increase the&nbsp;&nbsp; sensitivity of the extremity of the penis.</font></li> </ul> </div> </blockquote> <p align=center ><a href="000-prevaids-welcome-details-en.htm" target="_top">welcome page</a></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p><span class="rougegras"><a name=condomdelayedorgasm></a><span lang=EN-GB>- Delayed orgasm.</span></span><span class="rougegras" lang=EN-GB></span> </p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>It is true that condoms can delay the orgasm of the penetrating partner. If it is really a problem, consider to buy very thin condoms. Do not hesitate to try many different labels... Some condoms are more dedicated to protect from pregnancy, some others are more concern with allergic problem, some others are specifically dedicated for anal penetration, some others have special flavours, some others have extra lubricant... and <b>some are coated with gel which increases the sensitivity of the extremity of the penis!</b></span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>You should also consider that women often reach the pleasure more slowly than men. Such women will probably appreciate men who take more time to reach the orgasm!</span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>If the problem persists with all different kind of condoms, you should more consider possibilities of safe pleasure without condom... but you should first perfectly know the &quot;<a href="prevaids-02-ss-details-en-x.htm" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">safe sex</a>&quot; rules.</span></p> <blockquote class="petitpetit"> <p align="justify"><b><span lang=EN-GB style='color:green; '>TIP: </span></b></p> <div align="justify"> <blockquote>&nbsp; </blockquote> </div> <blockquote> <p align="justify"> <span lang=EN-GB style='font-family:Symbol;color:green'>&middot;<span style='font:7.0pt "Times New Roman"'>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></span> <span lang=EN-GB style='color:green'>Lubricate the outside of the condom&#8230; but you can add one drop of lubricant inside which helps sometimes to increase sensitivity and speeds up the orgasm.</span></p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p align=center ><a href="000-prevaids-welcome-details-en.htm" target="_top">welcome page</a></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p><span class="rougegras"><a name=condomallergy></a><span lang=EN-GB>- Allergy.</span></span><span class="rougegras" lang=EN-GB></span> </p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>If you or your partner experience genital burning or itching, it may be a sign of an allergy to the lubricant/spermicidal on the latex or to the latex of the condom itself. You should simply try to use another label of condoms first... without spermicidal or without pre-lubrication.</span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>The latex allergy is extremely rare. It means that if the genital burning or itching persists after you tried different kinds of condoms, you should consider having an infectious disease like mycosis which gives the same symptoms.</span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>If a doctor confirms your allergy to latex, he will suggest you a condom without latex but those are </span><span lang=EN-GB style='color:windowtext;'>less safe!!!! He can also give you an anti allergic pill (antihistamine) to swallow before starting the intercourse in view to decrease the allergy.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href="000-prevaids-welcome-details-en.htm" target="_top">welcome page</a></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p class="rougegras"><a name=condomlubricant></a><span lang=EN-GB>- Lubricant.</span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>To prevent rips and tears of condoms, it is recommended to use a lubricant. The best are &quot;aqua soluble creams&quot; (&quot;KY&quot;, &quot;DUO&quot;, &quot;PLAY&quot;, &quot;AstroGlide&quot;&#8230;). You can also use saliva BUT </span><span lang=EN-GB style='color:red;'>do <b>NOT</b> use Vaseline, oil, butter or any other greasy cream</span><span lang=EN-GB>! Oil-based lubricants like petroleum jelly (Vaseline, etc.), cold cream, butter, or mineral and vegetable oils damage the latex and make them more fragile. Such oil-based cream also promotes yeast infections in women.)</span></p> <blockquote> <p align="justify"><span class="petitpetit" style='color:green;' lang=EN-GB><b><font color="#006600">TIP: </font></b></span></p> </blockquote> <div align="justify"> <p><span class="petitpetit"><font color="#006600"><span lang=EN-GB style='color:green'>Lubricate the outside of the condom&#8230; but you can add one drop inside which helps sometimes to increase the sensitivity of the penis.</span></font></span></p> </div> <p align=center ><a href="000-prevaids-welcome-details-en.htm" target="_top">welcome page</a></p> <ul> </ul> <p class="rougegras"><a name=condomstopcondom></a><span lang=EN-GB>- You want to stop to wear condom?</span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB> If you want to stop to use condom, please <a href="prevaids-01-firstsecondline-details-en-x.htm#firstlinestopcondom" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">click here</a> and read the best way to do it without any danger. </span></p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p> <p align=center ><a href="000-prevaids-welcome-details-en.htm" target="_top">welcome page</a></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p class="rougegras"><a name=condomshyness></a><span lang=EN-GB>- Shyness and condom.</span></p> <ul type=disc> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span class="rougemaigre" lang=EN-GB>Too shy to buy a condom</span><b><span lang=EN-GB>.</span></b><span lang=EN-GB> This is really a difficult and common problem... Try to fight again your shyness. After a few experiences, your shyness will disappear and you will even understand that buying condoms does not put a bad judgment on you. Be brave! Try even to buy lubricant in the same time.</span> </div> <p align="justify" class="petitpetit"><font color="#006600"><b>TIPS</b>:</font></p> <div align="justify"> <ul> <li class="petitpetit"><font color="#006600"><span lang=EN-GB style='color:green;'>If it is in a supermarket, buy other things in the same time and you will discover that the cashier will even not pay attention to the bought item. After 3 times, your shyness will completely disappear. </span></font></li> <li class="petitpetit"><font color="#006600"><span lang=EN-GB style='color:green;'>If it is really impossible to do it, ask to your partner or to a close friend to do it for you or to buy them together a few times... (When we are two, we are braver!)</span></font></li> <li class="petitpetit"><font color="#006600"><span lang=EN-GB style='color:green;'>If it is in a pharmacy just write what you want on a paper (eventually add that you are shy!)&#8230;Pharmacists usually know how to deal in such situations. </span></font></li> <li class="petitpetit"><font color="#006600"><span lang=EN-GB style='color:green;'>One of the easiest ways is to buy a box of condoms from an automatic distributor. These condom distributor machines are located in the male toilets in almost all supermarkets, dancing places, usual bars and even restaurants. Ask friends about where they buy their condoms: they will tell you some &#8220;private&#8221; places where to find them.</span></font></li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span class="rougemaigre"><span lang=EN-GB>Too shy to ask to partner to wear it</span>.</span>&nbsp; This is the cause of the death of millions of faithful wives&#8230; You MUST find the best way!!!! </div> <p align="justify"><span class="petitpetit" style='color:green' lang=EN-GB><b><font color="#006600">TIPS:</font></b></span> </p> <div align="justify"> <ul> <li class="petitpetit"><font color="#006600"><span lang=EN-GB style='color:green'>Start to speak about your shyness before to be in bed... Introduce the subject as soon as possible, even at the early beginning of your relationship. Present your shyness as an obsession... SPEAK ABOUT CONDOM NOT ONE TIME BUT MANY TIMES before to be in bed... and again in bed if necessary. You should use ANY pretext to speak about condom: speak about your close friend who died from AIDS, speak about your neighbour who is dying. Your partner can even laugh about your condom's obsession! In such conditions, in bed, at least the subject will stop to be unspeakable. Also, you will progressively discover that speaking is the first step to enter in mature sexuality and great sexual experiences.</span></font></li> <li class="petitpetit"><font color="#006600"><span lang=EN-GB style='color:green'>Think about future of your children&#8230;Do you want them to become orphans? You have strong responsibilities&#8230;</span></font></li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> <p align="left" class="petitpetit"><a href="../aidspreventionpro/poster-27-tears-en.htm" target="_blank">Poster 1 about shyness and HIV</a></p> <p align="left" class="petitpetit"><a href="../aidspreventionpro/poster-40-now-en.htm" target="_blank">Poster 2 about shyness and HIV</a></p> <ul type=disc> <li style='color:windowtext; '> <div align="justify"><span class="rougemaigre" lang=EN-GB>Too shy because no sexual experience</span><span lang=EN-GB>. Majority of the people will feel &quot;stress&quot;when entering in sexual life. This is particularly true for people who enter a bit late in sexual life. Only experiences will reduce the stress. If love is included in the relationship, to speak about condoms may even be more difficult as true emotions may decrease your alertness about HIV. You must know it. You must prepare yourself to that emotion. </span> </div> <p align="justify"><span class="petitpetit" style='color:windowtext' lang=EN-GB><font color="#006600"><b>TIPS:</b></font></span> </p> <div align="justify"> <ul> <li><span class="petitpetit"><font color="#006600"><span lang=EN-GB style='color:windowtext'>Start to speak about your shyness and condom before to be in bed... Introduce the subject as soon as possible, even at the early beginning of your relationship. Present condom as an obsession... SPEAK ABOUT CONDOM NOT ONE TIME BUT MANY TIMES before to be in bed... and again in bed if necessary. You should use ANY pretext to speak about condom: speak about your close friend who died from AIDS, speak about your neighbour who is dying. Your partner can even laugh about your condom's obsession! In such conditions, in bed, at least the subject will stop to be unspeakable. Also, you will progressively discover that speaking is the first step to enter in mature sexuality and great sexual experiences.</span></font></span> </li> <li>A LARGE MAJORITY OF MEN ARE SEXUALY UNABLE TO FORCE A PENETRATION IF YOU REFUSE IT!!! THEY WILL BECOME SAD OR MAY BE SARCASTIC OR EVEN INDIFFERENT. BE PREPARED TO THAT SADNESS OR INDIFFERENCE. THEN GENTLY ASK THE MAN WHY HE DOES NOT WANT TO USE A CONDOM. LISTEN TO HIM. YOU CAN EVEN ASK HIM IF HE IS SCARED ABOUT IMPOTENCY WHEN USING CONDOM... HE MAY BE STUPEFIED BY YOUR QUESTION... USE HIS STUPEFACTION TO INTRODUCE TRUE INTIMACY IN YOUR RELATION. </li> <li><span lang=EN-GB style='color:red;'>WOMEN SHOULD DEFINITIVELY KNOW THAT THEY HAVE </span><span lang=EN-GB style='font-size:18.0pt;color:red;'>ALREADY</span><span lang=EN-GB style='color:red;'> THE POWER TO SAY &quot;NO&quot; FOR BOTH PROTECTED AND UNPROTECTED SEXUAL RELATIONS!!!</span></li> </ul> </div> </li> </ul> <p align=center ><a href="000-prevaids-welcome-details-en.htm" target="_top">welcome page</a></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p class="rougegras"><a name=condomreligion></a><span lang=EN-GB style='color:windowtext; '>- Religion and condom.</span></p> <p align="justify">Some religions explicitly condemn the use of condom. <b>But ALL those religions are more severe about murder and suicide</b>. Religions say that you can never take the risk of killing anyone.&#8230; You have to be mature and coherent. If you do not want to use condom because of religion, then you should also refuse sexual intercourses if there is any &#8220;life threatening&#8221; for you or your partner. It is a crime to initiate a sexual relation without condom if you are not sure of the status of your blood and your partner&#8217;s blood. There is no place here for a bet. For all religions, those kinds of bets are just the equivalent of murder (or suicide)! You can not accept that form of hypocrisy which uses religious pretexts to hide the main reason of the refusal to use condoms(fear of impotency, immaturity &amp; maliciousness). For more details, see &quot;<a href="prevaids-09-religion+socio-details-en-x.htm#prevaidsreligion" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">religion</span></a>&quot;</p> <p align="left" class="petitpetit"><a href="../aidspreventionpro/poster-19-crime-en.htm" target="_blank">Poster about religion and condom</a> </p> <p align=center ><a href="000-prevaids-welcome-details-en.htm" target="_top">welcome page</a></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p align="justify" class="rougegras"><a name=condomtipsaboutcondom></a><span lang=EN-GB>- Tips about condom.</span></p> <ul type=disc> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Remember, ejaculation does not have to occur for HIV to be transmitted. You must wear condom before the penis touches the vulva or the anus. (See <a href="prevaids-05-transmission-details-en-x.htm" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">transmission of HIV</a>)</span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Use a condom only once. </span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Putting on a condom </span></div> </li> <div align="justify"> <ul type=circle> <li><span lang=EN-GB>For pleasure, ease and effectiveness, both partners should know how to put on and use a condom. </span></li> <li><span lang=EN-GB>Condoms usually come rolled into a ring shape. They are individually sealed in aluminium foil or plastic. Be careful &#8212; don't tear the condom while opening the packet. If it is torn, brittle, stiff or sticky, throw it away and use another one.</span></li> <li><span lang=EN-GB>Some suggest pouring a drop or two of <a href="#condomlubricant" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">lubricant</a> inside the condom.</span></li> <li><span lang=EN-GB>Pull back the foreskin of the penis, unless circumcised, before rolling on the condom.</span></li> <li><span lang=EN-GB>Place the rolled condom over the tip of the erected penis.</span></li> <li><span lang=EN-GB>Leave a half-inch space at the tip to collect semen.</span></li> <li><span lang=EN-GB>Pinch the air out of the tip with one hand while placing it on the penis.</span></li> <li><span lang=EN-GB>Unroll the condom over the penis with the other hand.</span></li> <li><span lang=EN-GB>Roll it all the way down to the base of the penis.</span></li> <li><span lang=EN-GB>Smooth out any air bubbles as friction against air bubbles can cause breaking of the condom.</span></li> <li><span lang=EN-GB><a href="#condomlubricant" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">Lubricate</a> the outside of the condom.</span></li> <li><span lang=EN-GB>If erection is not strong enough for wearing condom <a href="#condomtoolittle" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">click here</a>.</span></li> <li><span lang=EN-GB>After ejaculation the condom must be removed from the vagina/anus. The best way is to grasp the condom at the base of the penis and hold it as the penis is withdrawn.</span></li> </ul> </div> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>To keep a condom from slipping off, make sure the rim stays near the base of the penis during intercourse. This is especially important at the end of intercourse as the penis is withdrawn. Either partner can hold onto the rim.</span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Do not use a female condom and a male condom at the same time. Friction between them can cause them to bunch up or tear. It is also not recommend using a second condom on the first for the same reason. </span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Do not carry condoms in your wallet for long periods of time. Replace them every once in a while. Friction from opening and closing your wallet and from walking (if you carry your wallet in your pocket) can cause tiny holes in the condom. Nevertheless, it is better to use a condom that has been in your wallet for a long time than to not use one at all.</span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Store condoms in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and heat. Most male condoms can be kept in their packages for about 2-3 years. Those with spermicidal are usually effective for about 2 years. Check the condom's expiration date before using it. </span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>You should always dispose of condoms appropriately. Keep in mind that flushing a condom down the toilet may clog plumbing. Instead of flushing condoms, you can wrap them in toilet tissue or put them in plastic bags before throwing them away.</span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Remember that young children and pets sometimes go through the garbage for entertainment or in search of food. If necessary, put the condom in a garbage can that is out of reach of children and pets.</span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Be courteous. When disposing of condoms, keep in mind that nobody enjoys dealing with someone else's condom. Do your best to dispose of condoms carefully.</span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>At first, male condoms can be awkward to use; take your time and become familiar with them. It may be helpful to practice prior to sexual play. Either partner can put a condom on the penis as part of sexual play.</span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Condom can help relieve premature ejaculation.</span></div> </li> <li style=' '> <div align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Condom may help a man stay in erection longer time.</span></div> </li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p align=center ><a href="000-prevaids-welcome-details-en.htm" target="_top">welcome page</a></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p class="rougegras"><a name=condomsecurity></a><span lang=EN-GB>Condoms are secure or not?</span></p> <p align="justify"><span lang=EN-GB>Please consult the page about &quot;<a href="prevaids-06-totalsecurity-details-en-x.htm" target="popcondom" onClick="MM_showHideLayers('startpoptrans','','hide','poptrans','','show','retourtxt1','','show','x','','hide')">Strict Safe Sex (100%security)</a>&quot;. </span></p> <p align="left"><a href="../aidspreventionpro/poster-13-side%20effect-en.htm" target="_blank" class="petitpetit">Poster about side effects of condoms </a></p> <p align=center ><a href="000-prevaids-welcome-details-en.htm" target="_top">welcome page</a></p> <p >&nbsp;</p> <p >&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </table> </div>