Welcome to aids-hospice.com - prevaids.org - stylite.net

Thai - English


The size of leaflet is 7cm x 11 cm, 4 pages

All together, we can print 2 leafletd on 1 A4 page



Page 1


Pages 2, 3, 4, 5


Pages 1, 6, 7, 8


Page 8

Still place on page 8 for critical adresses... (hiv test, hotline, etc.)




The images you see are not adapted for printing (only 72 DPI... whish is the requirement of your monitor) If you print them, the quality will be very low. If you want to print this leaflet in a professional quality, just download the PDF by clicking here and print it from you PDF reader. You can use that file for professional printing shop.


If you know a professional in grafic design, he will easily edit the PDF file (add addresses, add hotline number, change language, etc.) You can also contact us. You can add the logo of your organization if you like, or the logo of your donors who will pay for your distribution process. But please, do NOT remove the label "www.prevaids.org" of any copy/translation you intend to do. Do not sell any of those copy/translation. ...Be fair play please.






Webmaster : paul yves wery - Contact@

aids-hospice.com & prevaids.org & stylite.net